Any ticket related queries need to be sent to your ticket provider directly for a response, please add your booking reference to the subject line.
You will be emailed your tickets 24 hours before the show.
Please read below for more information.
In the event of a show being cancelled, refunds will be in accordance with the promoter’s T&Cs at their discretion – you will need to contact them and/or your ticket agent.
All tickets will be checked and scanned on entry.
Tickets can either be printed or, in the case of e-tickets, displayed on your mobile.
Please bring a valid form of photographic ID with you to the event (please note, we only accept valid passports, foreign national ID cards, driving licences or Home Office approved PASS cards as identification and/or proof of age).
If there is a name on your ticket, you must provide valid photographic ID to match this name.
Any fake, invalid or duplicate tickets will be rejected.
Please ensure that you purchase your ticket(s) from an authorised ticket agent. Authorised ticket agents vary from show to show – please check with the promoter of the show you’re interested in to see if a particular agent is authorised.
If you purchased through the Printworks website, your ticket provider will be Kaboodle. Their customer service email is